Getting Started With The VUSSP


Welcome to the Virtual United States Space Program!  We have put together this quick-start guide to begin getting you acquainted with the VUSSP website, registration process, and to help navigate you through the various faucets of our organization so you can kickstart your new virtual career with us!  

Registration - All Members

      1. Visit the VUSSP Website and click on Join Us! at the top of the page
      2. Fill out the quick registration form and submit
      3. Check your email to verify your account!

Additional Registration – Flight Sim Pilots (ONLY)

      1. Complete member registration and verify your account
      2. Log into your VUSSP membership account
      3. From the drop-down Member Menu, select Pilot Ops Center
      4. Select Join from the top navigation menu
      5. Complete pilot registration

Why are two Registrations Required for Pilots?

There are two different mandatory registrations for members who are pilots because there are two distinct types of career paths for members (Administrative and FS Pilot), and all members are required to be registered to the organization.  The initial system registration provides all members access to:


      • -Personal organization profile
      • -Organization-wide direct and instant messaging
      • -Member Forums
      • -Organization document database


Flight Sim pilots must additionally register with our vaBase pilot management system.  This system provides pilots with the following:


      • -Pilot Reporting (PIREP)
      • -Flight reporting and logbook
      • -ACARS flight tracking system
      • -Microsoft Flight Simulator downloads
      • -Pilot awards tracking
      • -Pilot flight statistics

How To Connect

      • -Bookmark the VUSSP website
      • -Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages
      • -Subscribe to our YouTube channel
      • -Visit, post, and join in discussions on our Discussion Board located on the VUSSP website (member access only – link located in drop-down Member Menu)

VUSSP Academy

VUSSP Academy (VA) is the organizations learning management system.  Members must enroll in pre-selected courses to gain educational knowledge and learn the skills they need to be successful within their career with the VUSSP.  Each course can be completed at your own pace and includes reading materials, exercises, and/or tests and quizzes to measure your aptitude of the course content.  Successful completion of your career program will enable to you fully participate in VUSSP missions and events and allow non-pilot members to be promoted within the organization. 

Guidelines for Effective Inter-Organization Communication

      • -While our organization places emphasis on member education, we are here solely for entertainment purposes. Professional and respectful communication between all members is a must.  Disrespectful or offensive communication will not be tolerated
      • -We are here to have FUN and enjoy aviation and space, collectively. Our members come from all walks of life, ages, countries, and educational backgrounds.  Members should respect each other regardless of age, race, nationality, and/or educational background.  There are no exceptions!
      • -Posts and comments on the organization’s social media accounts and discussion board, and communication using the instant messaging system, vaBase messaging system, or organization email system must be respectful in nature with the highest standard within the Virtual Airline community

Ready to start your virtual career with the VUSSP?  Join now by clicking HERE!