Founded in the summer of 2001, closing in the spring of 2006, and resurrected in late 2022, the Virtual United States Space Program, at its height, was the second largest virtual space agency in the virtual online community boasting over 200 active members world-wide. VUSSP was a stark comparison to other virtual space agencies of the time as aeronautic and spaceflight operations and missions were centered around the idea of realistic creativity, where a traditional historical timeline of any real world space agency was not the approach, and the reliance upon imagination and creativity utilizing models of past and current day aircraft, launch vehicles, satellites, and space stations was the chosen model used to help incite interest in aviation and aerospace in men and women across the world.

During VUSSP's initial 5 year run, the organization completed over 150 manned and unmanned earth orbital, and lunar spaceflight missions including three unmanned missions to study the Sun. In addition, members had the option of becoming a pilot, astronaut, mission controller, or a member of the administation or a mixture of any of those career paths adding to the enjoyment of the virtual space agency.

In late 2022 plans were underway to resurrect VUSSP and in 2023 VUSSP reopened its doors to all aviation and aerospace enthusiasts to carry on the mission of VUSSP in the 21st century. We welcome you to the Virtual United States Space Program as we look upwards towards the stars at the possibilies of what lies above!