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Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta I Airport, Atlanta (KATL)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

No METAR information available.

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

No departure history to display.

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

No arrival history to display.

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 999ft)

Runway 08L Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 08R Length 9,999ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 09L Length 12,389ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 09R Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 10 Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 26L Length 9,999ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270
Runway 26R Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270
Runway 27L Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270
Runway 27R Length 12,389ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270
Runway 28 Length 9,000ft Width 150ft Elevation 1,003ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 127.900 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 128.000 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 119.650 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 122.550 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 118.100 Mhz
Type D Frequency 121.225 Mhz
Type D Frequency 125.650 Mhz
Type D Frequency 133.475 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.650 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.750 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.900 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 128.970 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.270 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.370 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 130.775 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.250 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.370 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.450 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.850 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.870 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 119.100 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 119.300 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 119.500 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 123.850 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 125.325 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 124.600 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 127.250 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 135.375 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 125.550 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 128.975 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.250 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.275 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.375 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.400 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 130.075 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 130.775 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.375 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.450 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.850 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.875 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 126.900 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 132.550 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 133.425 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz

Airport Navaids

Type NDB Ident AT Frequency 375 Khz
Type VORTAC Ident ATL Frequency 116900 Khz
Type NDB Ident BR Frequency 266 Khz